Transaction Complete

Thank you for your business. Your payment has been sent. We will contact you soon with details about your purchase.

Steps to be Followed...

1. You should have received the payment receipt from PayPal to the registered email address.

2.  To login into the Course Visit the Website:

3.  Now You will have to create your password. Hence visit the Login Page.

4. Then click on “Lost Your Password?

5. Enter the Registered Email address and then click on “Get New Password”.

6. You will receive an email with Password re-set link.

7. Click on the Password Re-Set Link and setup your new password.

8. Finally You can login into the course using your registered email address and the password.

9. You will again receive the complete registration form via email, to complete the other administration formalities.

Note: if you can any difficult in login you can reach me at

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